Tag Archives: Carpet Cleaning

Essential Tips to Take Good Care of Your Carpets Post-Cleaning

Your professionals have done brilliant work to clean your carpets and provide them with a fresh and spotless appearance. So, give them a token of appreciation and get onto the next, crucial stage of taking good care of the carpets! After your carpets are professionally and vigorously cleaned and reshaped, you need to focus on … Continue reading Essential Tips to Take Good Care of Your Carpets Post-Cleaning

What Factors Attract Carpet Beetles to Your Home?

In Australia, carpet beetles are a prevalent pest in homes. It is not a big deal if they stay in the garden, nibbling on plants and planting seeds, but once they are inside the house, they can get into trouble. That raises the question: “What draws beetles and what motivates them to enter your home?” … Continue reading What Factors Attract Carpet Beetles to Your Home?